加拿大航空app,一般又称Air Canada。
The new Air Canada app (“app”). Designed to enhance and simplify your travel experience.
pressing the “Install” button or by downloading the app, or setting up
your device to do so automatically, you consent to the installation of
the app, its future updates and upgrades and to the Air Canada Mobile
App Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) that govern the use of the app that
are available here: http://www.aircanada.com/en/mobile/tc_android.html.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstalling the app. For
help uninstalling the app, please contact us at android@aircanada.ca.
Home Screen
Get contextual updates based on your travel plans and preferences.
Aeroplan®† Sync
Retrieve your bookings automatically by linking your Aeroplan account to your Air Canada mobile+ profile.
notified for check-in and boarding reminders, gate changes, flight
delays, cancellations, booking changes and more. You can receive
notifications by push notifications, email or text message.
Boarding Pass
Save your electronic boarding pass for easy access and online use.
Book Flights & Manage Trips
Purchase flights and manage your trips (select seats, purchase travel options, change, cancel a booking).
* NEW: Book in US or Canadian dollars. Set your currency from Settings >Preferences.
Air Canada Altitude® Digital Card
Download a digital version of your Altitude membership card for pres新澳门六合快乐女声entation at the airport, and access to lounges.
Air Canada Rouge® player (In-Flight Entertainment)
Watch Air Canada Rouge® movies, TV shows and more on d'Air Canada Rouge® flights.
Air Canada mobile+
your information, preferences and payment details in a secure
environment, allowing you to purchase Air Canada products and services
from your mobile device quickly and easily.
Support for Android Wear
Follow your flight status, boarding time countdown and access your boarding pass directly on your Android Wear device.
These functions apply when enabled:
• Location: your location data is used to show the closest airport for booking, flight status and check-in.
• Contacts: allows contacts you select to receive flight status notifications.
• Calendar: your flight information is added to your calendar.
• Camera: you can add your Aeroplan number, credit card number and expiry date using the camera to ease future purchases.
Notifications: (push notification, email, SMS message) are used to send
you service messages such as check-in and boarding reminders, boarding
pass updates, booking changes, flight status changes, credit card and
passport expiry reminders. You can customize these preferences in the
app’s Menu >Settings >Notifications
• Wi-Fi connection
information: used to determine if Wi-Fi internet access and a connection
is available for the in-flight entertainment system on Air Canada
Rouge® flights.
• File system access/system storage: used to temporarily store data for in-flight entertainment system content.
Your device identity log information (phone make/model, device
language, operating system and app version) is attached to emails you
send us when you report an issue using the app.
downloading or updating this app, you understand that Air Canada may:
collect data about your device in order to serve you the correct
software, as well as maintain and develop its services; require that you
change some of your device settings to use specific features; collect
personal information as detailed in our Privacy Policy. For more
information, please see
Air Canada, PO Box 64239, RPO Thorncliffe, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J7 privacy_vieprivee@aircanada.ca
® Air Canada Rouge, Altitude and Star Alliance Registered trademarks of Air Canada in Canada.
®† Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aimia Canada Inc.
• Starbucks Partnership: Now you can earn and redeem Aeroplan points with Starbucks by linking your accounts. Go to the 'Aeroplan' tab to get started.• As usual, we include bug fixes in every update to improve the quality, performance, and stability of the app.


宁波通商银行股份有限公司(简称“宁波通商银行”)成立于2012年4月16日,是国内首家由外资银行成功重组改制的城市商业银行,具有独立法人资格,注册资本52.2亿元,股东实力雄厚,股权主体多元,总部设在宁波。 宁波通商银行顺应国家政策导向和区域经济特点,充分发挥自身优势,坚持走差异化、特色化的发展道路,确立了商贸领域专业银行的战略定位,致力于为中小企业提供最专业的金融服务,打造国内首家商贸金融专业银行。 宁波通商银行坚持“稳中求进”的经营方针,大力拓展行业金融,在汽车、物流、航运等领域开展积极尝试。同业金融稳健发展,2015年3月18日正式持牌经营资金营运中心。全面推进小微业务、个人特色业务和互联网金融的发展,形成可持续发展新模式。 宁波通商银行努力打造富有个性的企业文化,倡导“进取、务实、创新、和谐”、 “全心全意依靠员工办银行”、 “银行与员工共同发展”的理念,提倡 “简单、直接、有效、阳光”的作风,坚持“以人为本”,努力营造 “开心工作每一天,快乐服务每一人”的氛围,致力于构建通商“家”文化。 新时代的通商人将以强烈的责任感和使命感,认真履行社会责任,积极弘扬 “敢为人先”的精神,努力拼搏,开拓进取,为将宁波通商银行打造成一家规模适中、特色明显、增长快速、效益显著、行业领先的新型商业银行而不懈努力。
濮阳天地人环保科技股份有限公司成立于2003年10月28日,是专门从事油气田环保技术开发、工艺设计、装备制造、工程建设、运营服务“五位一体”的专业化环保公司。公司位于河南濮阳市濮东产业集聚区,占地约69亩(46000m2),总资产4.49亿元,注册资金5235万元。公司始终坚持“协调、开放、创新、共享、绿色”五大发展理念,坚守环保底线,坚持绿色发展,以消灭泥浆池和实现油田清洁持续发展、改变传统钻井模式、实现绿色钻井为己任。经过十多年艰苦奋斗,励精图治,公司取得了长足进步。目前,公司业务已拓展到中石油、中石化、中海油各大油田及部分城市生活污水处理领域,足迹遍布东北、西北、西南等10多个省市自治区, 2020年公司营业收入4.5亿元。公司被评为濮阳市纳税高增长企业,濮阳市文明诚信经营示范企业、先进企业和华龙区领军型企业。连续多年获得了濮阳市纳税先进单位、濮阳市五一劳动奖状等荣誉称号。 2016年3月7日正式挂牌新三板,证券代码835974,简称“天人科技”。公司下辖1个全资子公司、4个控股子公司、5个项目部,母公司设立了环保研究所、环保设备制造厂,能够满足从技术研发、工艺设计、装备制造、工程建设到运营服务等全方位的环保技术运营服务。
广州东焊智能装备有限公司成立于2011年,在武汉设有子公司。广州东焊集团内现有员工235人。其广州东焊注册资金1000万,工厂占地面积8000平米;武汉东焊注册资金500万,工厂面积1700平米; 经过8年的发展,公司已是华南区最大的综合性线体集成商之一,在国内及海外向欧美、日系、自主品牌等主流汽车厂及零部件企业提供优质产品和服务。
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